31 October 2013
Dies Natalis of Faculty of Science and Mathematics
After 10 years FSM has been established, finally we had out first Dies Natalis.

At 27 June 2013, FSM had its first Dies Natalis. It has been 10 years since this faculty was founded even though no one seems to remember exactly when this faculty was established. Even though there were three departments in this faculty, there are only two active departments (i.e. that have students) celebrating this Dies Natalis. Another reason why Dies Natalis of FSM was organized this year because FSM will be merged with another faculty in UPH. In other words, there will be no Faculty of Science and Mathematics until the university management decides otherwise.  


A bit of history of our faculty is as follows. The Faculty of Science and Mathematics Universitas Pelita Harapan (FSM - UPH) was founded in 2003. The first department of this faculty was Department of Physics. It was until 2005 this Faculty has another department which was the Department of Mathematics. In 2007, a new department was founded which was the Department of Biology. The first dean of FSM was Prof. Yohanes Surya, serving only for a year from 2003-2004. Prof. Dr. Muljono was the second dean of FSM in 2004 then Petrus Widjaja, Dipl.-Math.replaced him in 2005. In 2011, Dr. Helena Margaretha, which was the fourth dean, came to lead FSM until 2013. 


In Department of Physics, there has been four heads of deparment which were Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. (2003 – 2004) followed by Doddy Y.F. Kastanya, Ph.D. (2004 – 2005). Dr. Marincan Pardede, S.Si., M.T. leads Physycs Department from 2005 – 2006 continued by Dr. rer nat. P.Y. Topo Suprihadi, Dipl.-Phys. (2006 – 2009). The Mathematics Department, until now, there has been only three heads of Department. Petrus Widjaja, Dipl.-Math. led this department from 2005 to 2006 and was replaced Dr. Helena Margaretha (2006-2011). Until present the head of Department of Mathematics is Kie Van Ivanky Saputra, Ph.D. On the contrary, since the begining of Department of Biology in 2007, there is only one person led this department which is Dr. Reinhard Pinontoan. 


The Dies Natalis of Faculty of Science and Mathematics was organized at Thursday, 27 June 2013. It was located on the fifth floor of Building D, Universitas Pelita Harapan. To make this event special, the faculty invited lecturers to give seminars about the role of science and mathematics in our society nowadays. At first, we invited Bpk. Petrus Widjaja, Dipl.-Math. as the first head of Mathematics Department and the third dean of FSM to speak. The second speaker was Dr.-Ing. Ihan Martoyo S.T. M.Sc. that speaks about the role of science and mathematics in social network. We also invited Dr. Rianto Djoyosugito from Society of Actuaries in Indonesia to speak about the role Mathematics and Insurance. Finally, Dr. Yudi Soeharyadi from Institut Teknologi Bandung gave a seminar about mathematicians in the real world.


As a final word, it is a real joy to celebrate 10 years of Faculty of Science and Mathematics. As of now, our faculty has been merged and now has become Faculty of Science and Technology.