21 October 2013
The eleven mathematics students 2009 has finished their thesis. And here we give a brief review about the eleven topics they had chosen.
14 October 2013
Having the same goal, PAI and Mathematics @ UPH decided to work together in developing 1000 actuaries as a part of government project
10 October 2013
Last August, we were visited by Department of Mathematics from Universitas Sanatha Dharma. The detail review of this visit is presented here.
07 October 2013
As one of the few department in Indonesia who run an actuarial program, we want to facilitate our students and staffs with a workshop that was held during June to August 2013.
02 October 2012
Pada kesempatan kali ini, departemen Mathematic UPH akan mencoba mereview suatu buku yang mungkin berguna.
02 October 2012
Pada kesempatan kali ini, departemen Mathematic UPH akan mencoba mereview suatu buku yang mungkin berguna.
14 August 2012
Olimpiade Sains Nasional Pertamina atau yang lebih sering dikenal dengan OSN Pertamina kini kembali hadir. Department Matematika UPH sangat mendorong mahasiswa-mahasiswanya untuk kembali berpartisipasi dalam acara ini.
14 August 2012
Tim matematika yang berasal dari berbagai universitas seluruh Indonesia berhasil meraih hasil memuaskan di olimpiade matematika internasional tingkat universitas.
27 July 2012
Pada bulan Juli 2012 Badan Akreditasi Nasional untuk Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia (BAN PT) telah mengeluarkan surat keputusan bahwa Program Studi Matematika UPH telah terakreditasi.
25 July 2012
Mathematics students batch 2008 have all graduated since June last month